Why embroider knickers, you ask? Why not, I say! Besides being quite a funny project the knickers embroidery can also be a great gift. You can embroider a cushion a shopping bag…or even use it as an applique for a t-shirt.

Why embroider knickers, you ask? Why not, I say! Besides being quite a funny project the knickers embroidery can also be a great gift. You can embroider a cushion a shopping bag…or even use it as an applique for a t-shirt.
Embroider yourself a llama because why not?
After I’ve made several handbags ranging from envelopes to a really big bag that can carry all the things I need for my kids, I wanted to try something less usual.
I’ve been wanting to learn this embroidery technique for some time now. Somehow there was no time, occasion or a convenient object to embroider so this idea stayed in my drawer. Then the best possible occasion came out of nowhere. I joined the project called Ježíškova vnoučata (Jesus grandkids – baby Jesus brings Christmas presents …