I like making seasonal and thematic home decor with my girls and our beautiful flower garden supplies us with the ideal material for summer decor. We actually don’t really pick flowers for our house, we prefer to enjoy them in the garden and leave everything for the bees. Once every now and then we make …
Recycled Snowflakes
Recycled snowflakes are one of my very favorite Christmas decorations. They’re easy to make and we have lots of fund making them with the kids.
Two DIY paper decorations
I would like to dedicate this post to two DIY paper decorations that you can use for your projects – two envelopes.
Winter decoration
Whether you have snow or not, december is a great time to start with the winter decoration. Therefore, here’s a tutorial on three different paper snowflakes. You’ll need very little, just some paper, pencil, ruler, scissors, glue and something to hang the snowflakes on. And if you add some hot tea or eggnog you can …
Felt flower
Scrunchies and hair clips are being consumed like bread in our household. When our girls get a new batch we miss half of it within a week and we find some of it in most unusual places. They care just a little bit better about hair accessories I make for them like head bands or …
Wrapping Christmas Presents
I did something different this year, it’s a very last minute but maybe it’s still helpful to someone